Acupuncture is an ancient indigenous healing method. The first description of the system of acupuncture appeared 2800 years ago in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine.
Acupuncture harmonizes and balances body and mind through gentle activation of the meridians or internal energy pathways that conduct the Qi or life force throughout the body.
Numerous studies have shown that stimulating specific meridian points with needles activates the body’s healing mechanisms, calms the nervous system, relieves pain, reduces stress, improves mood, and invigorates the immune system. It is practiced alongside Western medicine in hospitals around the world.
Acupuncture is an ancient indigenous healing method. The first description of the system of acupuncture appeared 2800 years ago in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine. Acupuncture harmonizes and balances body and mind through gentle activation of the meridians or internal energy pathways that conduct the Qi or life force throughout the body. Numerous studies have shown that stimulating specific meridian points with needles activates the body’s healing mechanisms, calms the nervous system, relieves pain, reduces stress, improves mood, and invigorates the immune system. It is practiced alongside Western medicine in hospitals around the world.
“Stillpoint” is my word for the healing space that occurs during an acupuncture treatment. It is profoundly relaxing, inducing clarity of mind, release of tension, and renewed physical vitality. Putting delicate sterile needles into specific acupuncture points can elicit states of stillness where the body naturally makes subtle shifts into balance, clarity and equanimity that are healing to the whole being.
With acupuncture you can come into the office not feeling well and leave feeling much better. Your body’s own wisdom guides the treatments as I obtain feedback through palpation, observation and questioning. This process is very safe and gentle. I practice Chinese, Japanese and Korean acupuncture. The needles are sterilized and disposable.
“Stillpoint” is my word for the healing space that occurs during an acupuncture treatment. It is profoundly relaxing, inducing clarity of mind, release of tension, and renewed physical vitality. Putting delicate sterile needles into specific acupuncture points can elicit states of stillness where the body naturally makes subtle shifts into balance, clarity and equanimity that are healing to the whole being.
With acupuncture you can come into the office not feeling well and leave feeling much better. Your body’s own wisdom guides the treatments as I obtain feedback through palpation, observation and questioning. This process is very safe and gentle. I practice Chinese, Japanese and Korean acupuncture. The needles are sterilized and disposable.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Acupuncture can effectively treat many diseases and conditions, including:
Acupuncture can effectively treat many diseases and conditions, including:
- Allergies
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Colds & Flus
- Digestive disorders
- Fibromyalgia
- Inflammation
- Joint pain
- Lower back pain
- Knee pain
- Liver & Kidney issues
- Menstrual cramps & PMS
- Mood disorders
- Neck pain
- Respiratory disorders
- Shoulder pain
- Allergies
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Colds & Flus
- Digestive disorders
- Fibromyalgia
- Inflammation
- Joint pain
- Lower back pain
- Knee pain
- Liver & Kidney issues
- Menstrual cramps & PMS
- Mood disorders
- Neck pain
- Respiratory disorders
- Shoulder pain
Marin Optimal Health
55 Professional Center Pkwy, Suite F
San Rafael, CA 94903
Marin Optimal Health
55 Professional Center Pkwy
Suite F, San Rafael, CA 94903
Marin Optimal Health is a pay-in-full at the time of your visit practice. We accept cash, check and major credit cards – MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express. You may also use your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) for the visit, but not for supplements. Our fees for services and electronic insurance billing procedures are listed on the Patient Agreements & General Office Policy page. We don’t accept payments directly from insurance carriers. If your insurance covers acupuncture, we may be able to submit claims electronically for you. For this, you’ll need to provide a copy of both sides of your insurance card.
Americans with Disability Act Statement
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